Dr. Lyn Sharratt combines academic theory with hands-on educational leadership experience. She has a track-record of substantially increasing school district performance. Lyn is a professor and best-selling author.
Dr. Lyn Sharratt is a highly accomplished practitioner, researcher, author, and presenter. She holds a BA in Social Work from the University of Waterloo, a BEd from the University of Western Ontario, an MEd from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, a Doctorate in Education from the University of Toronto, and Supervisory Officer qualifications from the Province of Ontario.
Dr. Sharratt coordinates the doctoral internship program in the Leadership, Higher and Adult Education Department at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. She has worked in four school districts across Ontario as a Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, School Superintendent, Administrator, Curriculum Leader, and a K–10 and Special Education teacher.
Dr Lyn Sharratt’s background reflects cumulative experiences that include teaching all elementary grades and secondary- aged students in inner-city and rural settings; analyzing and commenting on public policy for a provincial trustee organization, the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association; teaching preservice education at York University and master’s and doctoral students at University of Toronto and Nipissing University; and leading in-service professional development in a provincial teachers’ union head office.
Lyn is a widely published researcher and author. She is lead author, with Michael Fullan, of “Realization: The Change Imperative for Increasing District-Wide Reform” (Corwin, 2009) and “Putting FACES on the Data: What Great Leaders Do!” (Corwin, 2012, published in English, Spanish, and Arabic). Lyn is lead author of “Good to Great to Innovate: Recalculating the Route K–12” (Corwin, 2015) with Gale Harild and of “Leading Collaborative Learning: Empowering Excellence” (Corwin, 2016) with Beate Planche. “CLARITY: What Matters MOST in Learning, Teaching, and Leading” (Corwin, 2019) is her fifth book that reflects all of her work across the globe from 2009–2019. It will be released mid-October, 2018.
As well as an author and practitioner working in remote and urban settings, worldwide, Lyn is an advisor for International School Leadership with the Ontario Principals’ Council; is an author consultant for Corwin Press; and consults internationally, working with system, school, and teacher leaders at all levels in Australia, Canada, Chile, Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. She works tirelessly, focusing her time and efforts on increasing each student’s growth and achievement by working alongside leaders and teachers to put FACES on their data, taking intentional action to make equity and excellence a reality for all students.
Visit her at www.lynsharratt.com; Twitter @LynSharratt; and on LinkedIn where Lyn owns the “Educational Leadership” LinkedIn group made up of 89,000+ members. Search for Lyn’s “Good to Great to Innovate” video on www.thelearningexchange.ca. There you will see Lyn speaking in Ontario about the leadership it takes to achieve system and school improvement.
Dr. Lyn Sharratt
Ed. D. Internship Supervisor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto, Canada
Honourary Fellow, University of Melbourne, Graduate School of Education, Australia
International Consultant and Author
“CLARITY: What Matters MOST in Learning, Teaching and Leading”. Corwin Press, 2019
+1-416-271-7668 @LynSharratt