Bringing 'CLARITY' to the elements that sharpen precision-in-practice ensures knowing 'where to next'. How to gain 'Clarity' is based on a set of interrelated concepts deployed within an evidence-proven framework and implemented consistently and reflectively across systems, schools and classrooms.
This full-day workshop in three parts: 1. Learning; 2. Teaching; and, 3. Leading is built on solid research. There are no silver bullets or commercial programs that lead to continuous student improvement. While individual inferences can be made by interpreting many sources of data or evidence, the real power of data resides in the 'aha' outcomes of collaborative conversations with, and 'roll-up-your sleeves' work of ALL stakeholders.
This day of fast-paced learning will include experiential learning for all participants and provide opportunities for self-reflection. You will leave with a straight-forward path to CLARITY in your next steps.
Clarity: What matters most in Learning, Teaching, and Leading will contribute 6 hours of New South Wales Education Standards Authority Registered PD addressing 6.3.4 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient, Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
